Sunday 20 March 2016

By Beth Moore

I’ve always wondered about the fire. The first time that it welled up I was 15, it was a hot and humid evening and the preacher at that summer camp was challenging me to step out of my row and walk down an aisle and throw a stick in the fire. It was a symbol of full surrender to Christ.

I threw the stick in the fire that evening but was as if a spark from the fire landed on me. I went home forever changed and over the years the fire has flickered and glowed and blazed and smouldered but it has never gone out.

Sometimes the fire hurts and sometimes it makes my heart beat fast and my palms get sweaty and sometimes I just get indignant and a tad belligerent and I wish I was like everyone else. Content to enjoy the pursuit of travel, lunch with friends and new shoes.  I have struggled to understand how you can participate in weekly bible study and not get charged up about what you see in the pages of scripture. I have not understood apathy, maybe because of how I am wired, but truth be told, the drive to pursue Jesus has just never gone out, its just there.

I visited the Brooklyn Tabernacle last week while in New York,  and I cried through the whole service because the Holy Spirit was there and I just did not know what to do with myself, and when I read Audacious I am reminded that I am not alone.

There are lots of us who desire more. Many who believe that the Holy Sprit still speaks to us and leads us to do the improbable.  

I am in awe of Beth’s courage to write a book about what we hardly dare to think about. I am grateful to know that with all our sophisticated technology, retinol creams and ever-changing home décor it is still
“bang on” 
“in style” 
to be
“on fire” for Jesus.

This book is a must read for every person who wants to be challenged to feel more, dream bigger and live life with the commitment of a fully engaged disciple.

It challenged me to live like Jesus is coming back a week from Tuesday at 1pm!


  1. Krista Ruth Penner! I can testify to the authenticity of your voice in this entry. To anyone else that just read it, this is my sister. She lives 100% of her time wrapped up with purpose for Jesus. It is not an easy task and sometimes has its own personal neuroses. Power on sister! I love you so much!!

  2. Can not wait to have a cuppa tea with you and your mom and talk about our Jesus! Barb
