Friday 15 July 2016

Worth Living - Absolutely!

Worth Living 
A book by Mary DeMuth

Just the title makes me smile!

WORTH LIVING…. It is a way of thinking and moving that changes what we think of as worthy. I think it should be a new verb.

“Worthliving”: (v) the act of engaging life with the truth that God created me because He thinks I’m worth it.

The struggle with worthiness is endless. Just last week a dear young girl that I am mentoring plopped down on my couch and shared her feelings of loneliness, disconnection from those who love her and her general sense of not feeling like she deserves much more.

Seems like all our technological connections, self-esteem awareness and behavioral science advancements have not improved our aptitude for feeling okay about ourselves.

Mary DeMuth shares timeless truth in a refreshing and candid way that actually causes me to pursue the quality of life that Jesus created me to have.

Worthliving is not about my circumstances for sure. Sometimes those suck wind! 

This is about how I choose to view myself, my God, my choices and the people in my life. This is about who Jesus destined me to be. It is rich, it is deep, it is sustainable, and it is full of “Other-focused” stories.

Mary, thank you for inspiring us to worthliving!

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